“Congratulations on the successful Forum and the webex version of the Forum with you is a pleasant, wonderful and useful event
Indeed, it is better to see you "in person", and hopefully soon, we will have these meetings "in person" again”
Anyway, everything is really professional and EXCELLENT! WELL DONE! ” ” –J.P.
The challenge of the new age of electronic communication was the main theme and motive of the
6th FULM Macedonia Women's Leaders Forum
which took place on March 30, 2021, at 6 pm, through the Cisco Webex platform, entitled
New age of communication
FULM's women-leaders joined the event, as well as all those who wanted to know more about FULM and the FULM Women's Forum.
Starting from
- The short welcome speech of the President of AC FULM, Mr. Stevo Androvikj,
- Information on the Global Women's Leadership Network and the status of FULM Women's Forum - presented by Ms. Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj, CEO of FULM Savings House,
- Video address by the program director of the Global Women's Leadership Network Eleni Giakoumopoulos
- Presentation by the Branch Manager Marija Cvetkovikj about the work of FULM Women's Leaders Forum since its establishment until today and the support it provides for the support of micro businesses run by women
- Presentation by Angela Todosioska on the best practices in the modern online communication during virtual events
we conveyed the positive energy and spirit of the FULM Women's Leaders Forum, we shared new information and we conveyed the message that #Together we can do more.
FULM Women's Leaders Forum aims to inspire and encourage women from Macedonia to make significant differences in their lives, in the lives of their credit union members and their community, to get the opportunity for professional and personal development, to connect with women from credit unions around the world through the Global Women's Leadership Network GWLN (www.cuwomen.org) within the World Council of Credit Unions WOCCU (www.woccu.org). The World Council of Credit Unions serves as a hub for the network, connecting women from credit unions around the world. Since its establishment in 2009, 127 women's branches of the Global Women's Leadership Network have been established in 28 countries around the world.
FULM Macedonia Women's Leaders Forum started its operations in 2016, and was founded and organized by the Association of Citizens FULM (www.zgfulm.org.mk) and supported by the World Council of Credit Unions (www.woccu.org ) and the Global Women's Leadership Network