With a new TAXI vehicle to independent and decent living

marija Inspirational stories, Vashite biznisis eng, Приказни за месец Јуни

Serafim Ristov

My name is Serafim Ristov and I live in Strumica. I come from a modest working family. I live with my wife, my mother and my sister.

I was unemployed for many years, wandering around looking for a job, and things just did not work out well for me. Therefore, I decided to start my own business, so that I could earn for me and my family.

However, as unemployed, I did not have enough capital to accomplish my business idea.

Thanks to the employees in FULM Savings House, Murtino Branch – Strumica, my idea to buy a taxi vehicle and to finally start to earn money independently was accomplished in the shortest time possible. 

Now I feel much more useful, fulfilled and I am happy that I can also contribute to the welfare of my family.

It is still early, but as a start, I am very satisfied with my work. I hope I will be in the future as well.

I am grateful to the employees of the Savings House for meeting my request and providing me with the funds in the shortest time possible.

At the same time, I encourage everyone who is interested in starting their own business to turn to the right place: FULM Savings House, Strumica Branch.

Serafim Ristov

Note: The text is a personal statement and is not subject to proofreading.