Emergency loan for refinancing

marija Events and promotions, Uncategorized

You calculated the cost of a new laptop, winter preserves, bills and other unforeseen expenses, but you lack the money to cover them? Recoup your budget and cover all planned and unforeseen expenses for this fall and the up-coming winter with the help of FULM’s Emergency Loan More information on the terms on the following link: www.fulm.com.mk/krediti-2-2/vonreden-kredit/ Apply online at: …

The deadline for applying for the FULM Student Scholarship Competition has expired

marija Events and promotions, Uncategorized

The deadline for applying for FULM Student Scholarship Competition for 2020 has expired! We are happy to have received so many inspiring and creative ideas for improving student life during the COVID-19 pandemic. WELL DONE STUDENTS! Many thanks to all of you who participated from Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj BSc, FULM Manager and from the entire FULM team. We will publish …

Drew Egan's address at the celebration of FULM's 20th anniversary

marija Events and promotions, Студенти

Watch the address of our friend Drew Egan from the Michigan Credit Union League on the occasion of FULM’s 20th anniversary, with whose support the Student Scholarship Fund was established. P.S. Have you applied for this year ‘s Student Scholarship Competition? Hurry! There are only 2 days left until the deadline Apply at: https://www.fulm.com.mk/natprevar-za-studentska-stipendija-2020/  

Interview with Monika Stoilovska, winner of FULM's Student Scholarship for 2018

marija Events and promotions, Студенти

We continue with the series of interviews with previous winners of FULM’s Student Scholarship. Where are they at the moment and what do they have to recommend if you want to apply for the Student Scholarship Competition? Read the answers below from the whole interview with the winner of FULM’s Student Scholarship, Monika Stoilovska What are you doing right now? …

Emergency loan for everything you need for your home

marija Events and promotions

Do you need a bigger home budget for this fall and up-coming winter? Cover the costs for winter preserves, new inverter, new laptop, car registration and everything you need for your home during this period with the help of FULM’s Emergency Loan More information about the terms on the following link:www.fulm.com.mk/krediti-2-2/vonreden-kredit/ Apply online at www.fulm.com.mk/apliciraj-onlajn/

How is the preparation of winter preserves going?

marija Events and promotions

Friends, how is the preparation of winter preserves going?Our colleagues from the branch in Strumica share with you this super recipe for preparing Ajvar   Ingredients: 30 kg. Red peppers for ajvar 30 Eggplants 3 liters of oil Salt to taste, about 200 gr. 5-6 hot peppers   Preparation: Wash the peppers and aubergines, roast them, then peel them and …

Happy first day of school!

marija Events and promotions

Happy first day of school for our first graders! We wish all students a successful start of the new school year and may you have many beautiful moments at school! Be careful and take care of yourself and others. The most important thing is to stay healthy, and we can overcome all the challenges that await us this year only …