Emergency loan for the car you want

marija Events and promotions

Enjoy this summer while driving the car that you’ve always wanted. Apply online for an Emergency Loan of up to 300,000 MKD. https://www.fulm.com.mk/apliciraj-onlajn/ More information on the conditions on the following link: www.fulm.com.mk/krediti-2-2/vonreden-kredit/

Успешен бизнис во услови на Коронавирус криза

marija Events and promotions

Денес Ви го претставуваме нашиот член и учесник во кампањата “Мој бизнис – Моја слобода”, Марија од Скопје која 2 децении го раководи својот бизнис за малопродажба на облека, бутикот Мариник. Бутикот се наоѓа во непосредна близина на нашата филијала во Аеродром на Булевар Јане Сандански 7/1 Скопје.      Со својата работа е релативно задоволна. Тежок е опстанокот за …

From the series "Meet Our Colleagues"

marija Events and promotions

From the series “Meet our colleagues” Our colleague Maria is a real virtuoso when she manages the JSP Branch, but also a top artist when she is in front of the canvas or behind the camera. Mostly inspired by nature, in her free time Maria creates beautiful art paintings, photographs, music and lyrics. Just look at a small part of …

Emergency loan to support your hobby/passion

marija Events and promotions

Have you considered turning your hobby into your microbusiness? Invest in yourself and make money from what you love doing with FULM’s Emergency Loan. More information on the terms on the following link: www.fulm.com.mk/krediti-2-2/vonreden-kredit/ Apply online at: www.fulm.com.mk/apliciraj-onlajn/

mFULM – Mobile application

marija Events and promotions

Use the advantages offered by mFULM mobile application from FULM Savings House and gain access to your digital branch 24/7 More information about mFULM mobile application on the following link Download link: https://www.fulm.com.mk/en/e-banking/

Where to this weekend?

marija Events and promotions

We have a great idea for this weekend The weather will be great for visiting the megalithic observatory in the village of Kokino, and then continue to the “Stone Wedding” in the village of Kuklica and the beautiful Lesnovo Monastery in the village of Lesnovo. and you must try the Kratovo pastrmajlija without any excuses Have a nice weekend and …

Silvana Vasileva – a successful woman entrepreneur in time of corona-virus crisis

marija Events and promotions, Vashite biznisis eng, Бизнис во Корона, Приказни за месец Јуни

FULM Savings House together with the Global Network of Women Leaders aims to encourage women to make significant differences in their lives, in the lives of their credit union members and their community, by providing opportunities and resources for it. One of those women leaders who make significant differences in their environment is Silvana Vasileva from the village of Borievo, …

From the series "Our Colleagues' Hobbies"

marija Events and promotions

From the series “Meet our colleagues”… Some of Joco’s many hobbies include sports, cooking, and the arts. But the most important thing for us is when will he bring his next specialty More recipes from Joco on https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyH7uoIejxXCd_DvKfg9l9FucOuJrpFDw P.S. and if anyone thinks they are good at “PES” on PlayStation or Ping Pong, write to us.