Invest in the most cost-effective means of transportation

marija Events and promotions

In this time of crisis, it is important to make transportation as safe as possible. Invest in an e-scooter, bike or scooter and stay safe, with the help of the Emergency Loan! More information on the terms on the following link: Apply for a loan online at:

Take a walk in nature this weekend

marija Events and promotions

Take advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and take a walk to the nearest park, pond, village or mountain Enjoy yourselves, but at the same time follow the safety precautions. Keep your distance, wear masks and wash your hands often! We wish you a nice weekend!

“Dve Daski” – a successful business in times of corona

marija Events and promotions, Бизнис во Корона, Приказни за месец Јуни

Aleksandar Velkovski is the manager of the wood processing workshop “Dve Daski” from Skopje, which he founded on August 30, 2019. The main activity of his business is making various products from solid wood such as tables, chairs, kitchen boards, beehives and more. He financially supported the beginnings of his business by taking out a loan from FULM Savings House …

Emergency loan for pensioners

marija Events and promotions

Retirement days bring opportunities for the realization of long-planned ideas. More information on the terms of the Emergency Loan on the following link: Apply online at: or in any of our branches: Skopje – Centar 02 / 3217–912, Skopje – Aerodrom 02 / 2403-208, Skopje – Avtokomanda 02 / 3109-327, Kavadarci 043 / 400-655, Strumica 034 / 330-721, …

Вонреден кредит за рефинансирање

marija Events and promotions

Надополнете го Вашиот буџет и покријте ги сите планирани и непредвидени трошоци за ова лето со помош на Вонредниот кредит на ФУЛМ Аплицирај за нов или кредит за рефинансирање на Повеќе информации за условите на

Emergency loan to support your business

marija Events and promotions

You have had the idea to start a business for a long time, but have been waiting for the right time? Now is the right time to invest in an online business and take advantage of the new market conditions with the help of FULM’s Emergency Loan.  More information on the terms of the Emergency Loan on: Apply for …

Emergency loan to support agriculture and animal husbandry

marija Events and promotions

Realize your projects in agriculture and animal husbandry! Invest in the renovation of stables, herd, plantations, mechanization, seed material, fertilizers with the help of the Emergency loan from FULM More information on the terms on the following link: Apply for a loan online at:

Happy World Bicycle Day!

marija Events and promotions

Happy World Bicycle Day Friends! Going to work on a bicycle is a great pleasure for us. You are physically active, you save money, you don’t pollute the environment Use the smartest means of transportation

Emergency loan to support your education plans

marija Events and promotions

Investing in our education is the safest investment even in emergencies. Enroll in a course, buy your books, a laptop and everything you need to gain new knowledge and skills with the help of the Emergency Loan from FULM More information on the terms on the following link:  Apply online at:

Emergency loan for all financial needs in the family

marija Events and promotions

It is important to maintain family harmony and overcome TOGETHER all the challenges posed by the state of emergency. FULM helps you meet all unforeseen financial needs with an Emergency Loan. More information on the terms on the following link: Apply online at