Drew Egan's address at the celebration of FULM's 20th anniversary

marija Events and promotions, Студенти

Watch the address of our friend Drew Egan from the Michigan Credit Union League on the occasion of FULM’s 20th anniversary, with whose support the Student Scholarship Fund was established. P.S. Have you applied for this year ‘s Student Scholarship Competition? Hurry! There are only 2 days left until the deadline Apply at: https://www.fulm.com.mk/natprevar-za-studentska-stipendija-2020/  

Interview with Monika Stoilovska, winner of FULM's Student Scholarship for 2018

marija Events and promotions, Студенти

We continue with the series of interviews with previous winners of FULM’s Student Scholarship. Where are they at the moment and what do they have to recommend if you want to apply for the Student Scholarship Competition? Read the answers below from the whole interview with the winner of FULM’s Student Scholarship, Monika Stoilovska What are you doing right now? …

Interview with Veronika Mitreska, winner of 2017 FULM Student Scholarship

marija Events and promotions, Студенти

We continue with the series of interviews with the previous winners of FULM’s Student Scholarship. Where are they at the moment and what advice do they have for you if you want to apply for the Student Scholarship Competition? Read the answers below from the whole interview with the winner of the Student Scholarship, Veronika Mitreska. 1.What are you doing …