FULM Savings House was established in 1999, in accordance with the principles of world credit unions and as part of the Macedonian financial system. FULM Savings House’s activities are performed with the financial support from the United States Agency for International Development – USAID and the technical assistance from the World Council of Credit Unions – WOCCU through the Association of Citizens FULM.
Scope of operations
FULM Savings House’s activities focus on ordinary people and meeting their financial needs, which directly contributes to the benefit of the local communities. FULM Savings House accepts savings deposits from AC FULM’s members and places the same into loans to those members of AC FULM that need those financial resources. FULM Savings House is a financial institution that serves the part of the population that otherwise cannot receive financial services. Therefore, the slogan “People help people” is a trademark of the essence of the existence of credit unions around the world and of FULM.
Different from others
FULM Savings House is by its essence a savings and credit union and as such is unique in the Republic of North Macedonia. FULM Savings House is a member of the World Council of Credit Unions – WOCCU and thus part of the world’s family of credit unions which covers 6 continents, in 118 countries and numbers 291 million members (according to WOCCU’s statistical report for 2019). Credit unions are non-profit financial cooperatives, managed by members, whose goal is to provide better services for its members than other financial organizations. Placing services towards members in the center of attention, coupled with faster, simpler and higher- quality access to financial services, has resulted in FULM’s recognizability as a stable, open and democratic institution where people will find answers to their needs, on one hand, and FULM Savings House has gained a reputation and significant position in the Macedonian financial market, on the other hand.
FULM Savings House performs its operations at the following locations: Central Office, with seat in the center of Skopje and a network of six branches: Murtino Branch in Strumica; Polog Branch in Tetovo; JSP Branch in Aerodrom settlement and a desk-office in Avtokomanda settlement in Skopje; Tikveshija Branch in Kavadarci; Bitola Branch in Bitola and Branch Center in municipality of Center.
Accomplishing its business strategy, FULM Savings House is an active member and supporter of international cooperation and projects, establishing fruitful cooperation and a series of strategic and partner relations with: WOCCU, USAID, Michigan Credit Union League – MCUL, Foundation for Polish Credit Unions – SKOK, and founder of the European Network of Credit Unions in Brussels and the Global women leadership network (GWLN). Internationally, FULM is an example of an innovative and progressive savings and credit union.
FULM Savings House has a continuous collaboration with many state and private organizations and institutions. FULM is an active participant and organizer of numerous events, forums, conferences in the filed of finance. From 2015 – 2019, FULM Savings House has been an implementer of a USAID Project through the Alliance of Microfinance Organizations (MFO).
FULM has a preliminary cooperation with European Microfinance Network (EMN) and the Microfinance Center (MFC). FULM Savings House has been awarded with the “CERTIFICATE for Compliance with the European Code of Good conduct for Microcredit provision” issued by the European Commission, Directorate “Employment, Social Relations”. FULM Savings House has received the Certificate as part of its Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, EaSI Technical Assistance for Microfinance activities.

Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj
General Manager FULM Savings House
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since its inception, FULM Savings House has sent out the message “Different from others” by providing faster, simpler and higher-quality access to financial services for the citizens in the Republic of North Macedonia. In accordance with their requirements and expectations, since 2016, the Savings House has started implementing the IT strategy to improve access to financial services through alternative channels and inclusion of social media. Despite the many challenges we face, we are extremely proud that the key to our success is AC FULM members’ trust, which is growing ever more. The employees, the management bodies of FULM Savings House and FULM Association of Citizens, the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Network of Credit Unions selflessly support the operation of FULM Savings House, as a result of which, FULM Savings House has been strengthening its position in the Macedonian financial market during the past 21 years.

Martha Ninichuk
Credit Union, USA
Dear friends
World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) is an international trade organization whose main goal is to develop savings and credit unions trough the whole world. World Council of Credit Unions insures help for countries which develop systems of savings and credit unions trough educational, technical and legislative support.
All of the employees in WOCCU are especially proud for one of our real successes in developing savings and credit unions. FULM Savings House is internationally used like example of innovative and progressive credit union.
WOCCU gave huge and important support to FULM in more areas: marketing, internal auditing, training, making book of rules, informational technology and opening new branches, which reflected positive on financial work in the FULM Savings House.
Sincerely, we believe that FULM Savings House will continue in the future with developing financial services for all citizens in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Stevo Androvikj
President of AC FULM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Association of Citizens advocates and develops principles of partnership through a collective activity of its members, and with the sole purpose of cooperation and development of the idea of savings and credit co-operation in the Republic of North Macedonia. Following and analysing the experiences of credit unions around the world, establishing a fruitful collaboration with WOCCU, USAID, MCUL, ENCU, as well as many other foreign and domestic organisations and institutions and continual investment in staffing and technological potential over the past years, to our great satisfaction, we managed to accomplish the envisaged development programs of FULM Savings House. The Association formed the Youth Forum, in order for the majority of young members to approach with the desire for lasting cooperation and the Women’s Forum, in order to foster entrepreneurship and leadership in North Macedonia. The association is part of the Alliance of Microfinance Organizations in Macedonia.

Zulfi Xhaferi
President of the SO of FULM Savings House
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This year, FULM Savings House has continued to successfully implement the strategy in order to meet the needs for saving and lending to all citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia. The basic determination of the Sole Owner of FULM Savings House was and remains identical to previous years: high level of liquidity, satisfactory level of profitability and high level of credit risk management. The Sole Owner of FULM Savings House has adopted the Strategy for the use of information technologies and social media in order to constantly increase the supply of credit and deposit products, and at the same time intensify the already existing lines by enabling members to have better access to financial services. Confirmation of the successful operation of FULM Savings House is the fact that, over the past years, more than 28,000 citizens have expressed their trust using our services.
Branch and desk office network
FULM Savings House in its organizational structure includes:
Central, headquartered in the Center of Skopje, and a network of six branches:
- Branch Murtino in Strumica,
- Branch Polog in Tetovo,
- Branch JSP in the settlement Aerodrom and the counter in the settlement Avtokomanda in Skopje,
- Branch Tikvesija in Kavadarci,
- Branch Bitola in Bitola, and
- Branch Center in municipality of Center.

With our financial services to a higher quality of life
FULM Savings House is established as an efficient member owned and member governed cooperative financial institution, recovering all its costs and providing its members with a full range of safe and high quality financial services which meet members needs and are rendered more effectively than those provided by other financial institutions in Macedonia.
Social responsibility
In accordance with its development policy, FULM Savings House foresaw the introduction of a concept of joint responsibility and public service.
FULM Savings House stands behind the real values through constant integration into the social and cultural life.
“People helping people” is the essence of the existence of credit unions. This timeless concept resonates, especially in socially responsible organizations that put people before profits, such as credit unions, such as FULM Savings House.

Within this framework, FULM Savings House continuously fulfills part of the concept by actively involving all employees in landscaping the space around the business premises of the Savings House. These activities include cleaning up the area, planting grass and trees, painting of the concrete flowerpots etc.

FULM Savings House invested in SOS Children’s Village Macedonia
In October 2018, FULM Savings House donated funds for the further development of the educational, medical and therapeutic facilities of the SOS Children’s Village Macedonia where 145 children and young people are educated and raised. With this donation, we help in the process of increasing the children’s opportunities from the SOS Children’s Village Macedonia to have an equal start in life and fulfill their dreams. We believe that the most important social responsibility is to support the education of young people who will grow into successful people and contribute to the community.

FULM Savings House donated food packages to the Red Cross – Macedonia
Social responsibility is a permanent determination of FULM Savings House. Marking Thanksgiving Day on November 24th, 2016 and the International Hunger Day, November 11, 2016, FULM Savings House donated food packages to the Macedonian Red Cross as part of the Think of Us campaign, organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia (AmCham Macedonia). The donation is intended for the socially vulnerable categories in the Republic of Macedonia and for alleviating poverty.

FULM Savings House donated a package to alleviate poverty to the Red Cross
Marking Thanksgiving Day on November 25th, 2015, FULM Savings House, with a donation to the Red Cross, as part of the Think of Us campaign organized by AmCham Macedonia, expressed its social responsibility to the socially most vulnerable categories in the Republic of Macedonia for raising awareness and assistance to alleviate poverty among local families.

FULM Savings House donated to the Clinic of Orthopedic diseases Skopje (Majcin Dom)
FULM Savings House, JSP branch from Skopje on 3rd July 2008 donated technical equipment in accordance with the project on corporative – social responsibility. The aim of this donation is to improve the conditions of hospital treatment for children (patients) at the Clinic of Orthopedic diseases in Municipality Aerodrom in Skopje (Majcin Dom).
FULM Savings House donated to the monastery “St. Transfiguration”
In May 2008, FULM Savings House allocated financial resources for the construction of the monastery “St. Transfiguration” in Krusevo. The construction of the monastery was started by Tose Proevski and his family.
FULM Savings House supported the activities of the Strumica Carnival
In the period from 8th to 12th March 2008, FULM Savings House, Murtino branch from Strumica supported the activities of the Strumica Carnival connected with the Trimeri celebration as a cultural tradition by which Strumica is a well-known town not only in the Republic of Macedonia but in other parts of the world as well.
FULM Savings House donated New Year’s packages in Kavadarci
On 27th December 2007 FULM Savings House, Tikvesija branch from Kavadarci donated New Year’s packages to a class of children with special needs at the Straso Pingur Primary School in Kavadarci.
FULM Savings House donated New Year’s packages to D-r. Zlatan Sremac Primary School in Skopje
On 26th December 2007, FULM Savings House donated New Year’s packages to the children with special needs from D-r. Zlatan Sremac Primary School in Skopje.
FULM Savings House supported the quiz competition on the subject of traffic in Kavadarci
FULM Savings House, Tikvesija branch from Kavadarci supported a quiz competition on the subject of traffic held on 30th November 2007 in Toso Velkov – Pepeto Primary School in Kavadarci. FULM Savings House donated 3 mobile phones for the best participants.
FULM Savings House is actively included in the humanitarian action of “Idnina” Association
In November 2007, the Association of Parentless Children from the children’s homes from the Republic of Macedonia – Idnina Skopje started a humanitarian action. The aim of this action was raising funds in order to provide electrical appliances for the household as well as enabling the parentless children over 18 years of age to obtain driving license of category B. Starting from the humaneness as the most important virtue, FULM Savings House is actively engaged in this humanitarian action in order to contribute for a better and more comfortable life for these young people.
FULM Savings House and a spark of hope for a happier and better day for the family Angeleski from Prilep
In November 2007, FULM Savings House enabled humanitarian aid for the family Angeleski from Prilep. This humane gesture returned the hope for a happier and better day for the parents Toni and Nelita and their 4 under-age children.
FULM Savings House supports one of the best sportswoman – swimmers Monika Trajkovska
In 2007, FULM Savings House supported the swimmer Monika Trajkovska who is a state champion in several disciplines in her category, and she also trains and prepares under the supervision of the Olympian Aleksandar Miladinovski. As a member of the Academic Swimming Club – Student from Skopje, Monika Trajkovska is among one of the best swimmers in our country and is a potential candidate for the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008 and London 2012.
FULM Savings House engaged in the improvement of the living of the citizens of Municipality Kavadarci
In May 2007, FULM Savings House, Tikvesija branch from Kavadarci in cooperation with the Mayor of Kavadarci donated wall-to-wall carpet to the municipality as a sign of support for the improvement of the living of the citizens of Municipality Kavadarci.
FULM Savings House helped the celebration of the prom of a ward from the Children’s Home “11th October” Skopje
In May 2007, on request from the Union of Women’s Organization of the Republic of Macedonia (UWOM) as a long-term partner of the Children’s Home “11th October” Skopje, FULM Savings House engaged unselfishly in the preparations of the prom celebration of the high-school graduate and ward Emran Ramadanov.
FULM Savings House participated in “HUMANA” campaign
On 6th March 2007, FULM Savings House supported the humanitarian event of the informal lobby group “HUMANA” and the National Council of Women in the Republic of Macedonia (UWOM) who organized a show of gowns that belong to the doyenne of Macedonian opera Mrs. Milka Eftimova and an artistic – entertaining program with the most famous Macedonian musicians. The raised funds are aimed for the improvement of accommodation and working conditions at the psychiatric hospital Negorci.
FULM Savings House participated in the Sauvignon Blanc 2005 auction – Za arno za ubavo
At the auction Sauvignon Blanc 2005, FULM Savings House bought one package of wine Sauvignon Blanc 2005 from the Popova Kula Winery. The funds raised from the auction are aimed for P.I. Special Institute – Demir Kapija and will be used for the Institute’s needs.
FULM Savings House donated New Year’s packages to the P.I. Special Institute – Demir Kapija
On 29th December 2004, FULM Savings House in cooperation with the Union of Women’s Organization of the Republic of Macedonia (UWOM) participated in a joint action of donating New Year’s packages to the children protégés of the Special Institute – Demir Kapija.
Our team – Our success story

The dedication, enthusiasm and hard work of all employees and management bodies were the creators of the growth and reputation of FULM Savings House. Our work has been noticed and confirmed by external institutions through various awards and recognitions. FULM’s management constantly invests in its employees through training, workshops, participation in various conferences and events and team building.
- The Banking Association within the Economic Chamber – best teller
- Awards and recognitions
- Training, events, conferences, team building…
The Banking Association within the Economic Chamber – best teller

Julijana Pekovska, employee in the JSP branch, Skopje is this year’s recipient of the Best officer award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best officers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Maja Liotikovska, employee in the Tikveshija branch, Kavadarci is this year’s recipient of the Best officer award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best officers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Gabriela Pavlovska, employee in the Central office, is this year’s recipient of the Best officer award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best officers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Katerina Jovanovska, employee in the Center Branch, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Elena Sherdenkovska, employee in the Bitola Branch, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Danijela Stojanovska, Skopje, employee in the Branch JSP, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Qumturie Memishi, employee in the Branch Polog, Tetovo, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Filip Jordanovski, employee in the Branch JSP, Skopje, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Sijka Gabeva, employee in the Branch Tikveshija, Kavadarci, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Suzana Kjandova, employee in the Branch JSP, Skopje, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Divna Vidoeska, employee in the Branch Polog, Tetovo, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Fanija Nedelkovsla, employee in the Branch Bitola, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Mirche Dimovski, employee in the Branch JSP, Skopje, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Biljana Petreva, employee in the Branch Tikveshija, Kavadarci, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Jasminka Panajotovikj, employee in the Branch Centrala, Skopje is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Mirche Dimovski, employee in the Branch JSP, Skopje, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Aleksandra Talevska, employee in the Branch Bitola, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Sijka Gabeva, employee in the Branch Tikveshija, Kavadarci, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Sijka Gabeva, employee in the Branch Tikveshija, Kavadarci, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers

Sasho Pavlovski, employee in the Branch JSP, Skopje, is this year’s recipient of the Best teller award from FULM Savings House. Marking the World Savings Day, October 31, the Banking Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia presented recognitions to the best tellers from the banks and savings houses for the achieved exceptional results in the performance of work tasks in the domain of working with the population in the past year.
FULM Savings House congratulates the World Savings Day, October 31, to all savers
Awards and recognitions

FULM Macedonia – the best in the world!
Singapore, Sun Tech City.
The prestigious award for 2018 – World Council Growth Award (award for highest growth by the World Council of Credit Unions) this year, in a choice of 109 countries worldwide, was presented to FULM Savings House from Macedonia. The award was granted on July 16, 2018 at the World Credit Union Conference, held from 15 to 18 July, 2018, at the Suntec Convention Center in Singapore ( )
This great recognition for outstanding work and dedication comes at the right time – in anticipation of the 20th anniversary of FULM Savings House and further encourages the joy for the won first place, among 68,000 credit unions on 6 continents in the world! The second and third place were awarded to credit unions Sicredi from Brazil and AIRAC from the Dominican Republic. For further information about the event follow the link:
More than 30,000 citizens in Macedonia are deserving of this award, who over the past nearly 20 years, with our loans and deposits, realized their success stories for which we are proud every day, said MSc. Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj, Manager of FULM Savings House.

Liverpool, June 6, 2013: In Liverpool, UK, Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj, General Manager of FULM Savings House won Edward Filene Credit Union Awards UK 2012/13 – Overseas Development Educator of the Year from the European Union and Africa. The award was given for 14 years of successful implementation of the system of credit unions in the Republic of Macedonia and worldwide. At the ceremony at the hotel “Marriot” in Liverpool, the President of the International Alliance of Cooperatives, Baroness Pauline Green awarded Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj emphasizing the need for better financial services to the people around the world. .
“I dedicate this award to the vision of FULM: “With our financial services to a higher quality of life”. For more than 14 years, FULM Savings House has successfully worked as part of the international family of credit unions from 100 countries and over 188 million members. The successful operation of FULM is the result of the commitment of all employees, the support of members of the management and cooperation of all, 7,700 members of FULM”, said Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj,
A short film about Macedonia and the success story of FULM Savings House, which for the past 14 years managed to help with loans more than 16,000 students, workers, farmers, pensioners and unemployed persons with additional revenue by implementing credit lines with a total amount of more than (1) billion denars was presented during the awards ceremony.

Winning project for improving the access of women and young people to financial services – Denver, USA
The winning project for improving the access of women and young people to financial services, awarded to Mrs. Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovikj, General Manager of FULM Savings House at the World conference of credit unions in Denver, USA in 2015, was the beginning of the establishment of a new and contemporary communication strategy for AC and FULM Savings House.
Training, events, conferences, team building…
The concept of continuous learning, broadening knowledge, employee involvement in various seminars and conferences as well as training for improving the communication and sales skills of employees is one of the answers to the question:
What is the secret to FULM’s success?

FULM Savings House continuously supports sports activities for the employees and organizes team-building activities that strengthen team spirit and include various activities: basketball, bowling, table tennis…