Trainings / workshops
FULM Savings House encourages, inspires and motivates its members towards its professional and personal progress and progress in its community. For that purpose, in the past years, we organized presentations, trainings and workshops, and in this direction we will move in the next period. We are sure that these trainings will deepen your knowledge,
will increase your business contacts and opportunities for progress, employment opportunities or starting up your own businesses.
The specialized free workshops and trainings entitled “Inclusion and innovation in microfinance”, a USAID funded project, in cooperation with the Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation (MEDF) and the Union of Microfinance Organizations (WMO), are intended for our members (farmers, students, unemployed and people planning to start a business) and aim to deepen their knowledge in the field of finance.
If you are interested in training, we encourage you to submit your interest to the following e-mail address:, with a note: Interest in training on financial knowledge, indicating the status of employment (unemployed, student, farmer) your name and surname, membership number and phone number.

Training for farmers Kavadarci and Sv.Nikole-February, 2017
This time, the interested farmers in Kavadarci and in the offices of the Federation of Farmers in the village of Mustafino, S.Nikole, were trained. The “Financial Knowledge Training” is part of the project “Inclusion and Innovation in Microfinance”, implemented by the Union of Microfinance Organizations, with FULM Savings House as a sub-operator, a project supported by USAID Macedonia.

Financial Knowledge Training for students
Skopje, September 27, 2016
New knowledge, checking existing knowledge and good fellowship! The training was attended by students from various faculties in RM. FULM Savings House is a sub-implementer of the “Financial Knowledge Training” as part of the project “Inclusion and Innovation in Microfinance”, supported by USAID, implemented by the Union of Microfinance Organizations as the main implementer.

Presentation of loans for farmers
Kavadarci-30 March, 2017
FULM Savings House presented its agricultural loans for farmers and unemployed who want to start farming in the financial knowledge training this time in Kavadarci. The project “Inclusion and Innovation in Microfinance”, implemented by the Union of Microfinance Organizations, with the FULM Savings House as a subcommittee, supported by USAID Macedonia, continues to move to new locations.

Presentation – Loans for farmers
in Gostivar – April 05, 2017
The challenges of the farmers, from the moment of raising the loan to their final repayment in the focus of interest of the farmers present at the presentation of the FULM Savings House of Agricultural Loans at the training on financial knowledge, held in Gostivar, within the project “Inclusion and innovation in microfinance “.

Loans fo farmers – presentation
Veles, March 13, 2017
Farmers from Macedonia expressed great interest in the manner of repayment of agricultural loans to FULM Savings House on the financial knowledge training in Veles, within the project “Inclusion and Innovation in Microfinance”, implemented by the Union of Microfinance Organizations, with the FULM Savings House as a sub-operator, supported from USAID Macedonia.